So, I did a thing! I became a Doctor of Acupuncture. It was hard won and hard earned. I met a lot of great people along the way and couldn’t […]
The Story Behind The Wig

So, I did a thing! I became a Doctor of Acupuncture. It was hard won and hard earned. I met a lot of great people along the way and couldn’t […]
As a kid, I was stopped many times over from many things. Sometimes for things that made sense to me and many times, not. Today, as an adult, similar things […]
It isn’t easy. I wrote a manuscript that talks a lot about resiliency and what to do to develop it. I would say we already innately have it. However, with […]
I’m busy. Sounds cocky huh?But who isn’t these days?Unless you have life on lock and are on a spacious schedule and if you do and you are, kudos to you.Let’s […]
I’d like to “come out” of my Buddhist closet. I’ve been shy about the whole thing because it was a personal decision and I’m finally ready to speak and share […]
I recently went to get gas for my car and as I was pumping it, someone else at the gas station called out, “HEY SIR…” and proceeded to ask me […]
Ok, here’s the deal, I’ve been talking to a lot of people who have been looking forward to 2021. Many have said they can’t wait until 2021 because it’s going […]
I recently drove to a small town in Arizona for a day trip. While I was there, I ended up visiting a lake that was created as part of a […]
I love to cook! Most of my friends and colleagues refer to me as a, “FOODIE.” So, I’m going to share about the time I accidentally created RASPBERRY-FLAVORED BUTTERNUT SQUASH […]
So, I’m wondering if you’re wondering – “What do you mean, CELEBRATE?” How can you CELEBRATE with all that’s going on? Layoffs, furloughs, people shifting work and careers, uncertainty, sickness […]
Since I wrote the blog on “My life in 15 minutes,” I learned one more angle how taking 15 minutes to do a task can help work through perfectionism. If […]
Here’s another blog on some nutritional mind-set wordsmithing. Do you eat breakfast? If so, WHAT do you eat for breakfast? Would you consider it healthy and balanced? Ever wonder WHY […]
I’ve been writing so many mind-set-based blogs and have been hyper focused on getting my book completed that I’d like to get a bit specific and talk about mind-set around […]
I’ve got something ironic to talk about this week on the topic of perspective. Pre-Covid 19, my clients would tell me one of their main stressors was loss of time […]
Benefits of procrastination: If you’re a procrastinator, then I’d suggest perhaps finding things you can “get good” at procrastinating with. Like, if there’s that sugar-filled treat you want to eat […]
Here’s a follow up blog from the one I wrote about my pivot to ShayTheCoach Writing. It’s about consistency! After the pivot, I had much to do and recently got […]
Why writing? Why pivot ShayTheCoach to ShayTheCoachWriting? While I’ve been ShayTheCoaching with clients, I’ve also been writing. I spent the bulk of this year writing a book that’s now in […]
Pivoting During Covid-19 Hi to all my STC folks, In the past couple months, many things have changed in many areas of life and business for many people. I’m not […]
Posture and our Body Just a teaser on my upcoming blog about posture and the importance of movement to counteract our long sessions of sitting and driving! Meet Dr. Ben […]
Posture and our Body Join me and Dr. Ben Zorensky of Naturopathic Athlete as we explore the challenges that our posture creates for our bodies. What effect does sitting and […]
I Don’t Do Guilt Recently, my cat dislocated her knee cap.I’m not sure I even knew cats could do that!I have humor and I’m the first one to chuckle when […]
On Solitude Solitude can be confused as isolation. It is not. Solitude is alone time, simply put. If solitude is used to recharge, refresh, regroup, renew, reinvent, recover, relax, rejoice, […]
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Explained! Have you been following my PRP video series? Check it out on the ShayTheCoach YouTube Channel to see all of the videos. Here is #4 […]
Consistency is Key in Resolution Management Many people set New Year’s resolutions goals in January. But how many reach them? How many are still working on them come February? Well, […]
Parties and Potlucks: 5 Ways to Cultivate Healthy Choices The Holiday Season is here! There will be plenty of opportunities to celebrate. With these celebrations come plenty of chances to […]
Is Your Brain Fit? This Equation May Help. I wanted to start this month’s blog off with a couple of open-ended questions (I know, I’m getting your thinker involved right […]
My Spain Staycation ShayTheCoach here! Well, I am home from my adventurous trip to Spain. I gave two keynote talks at the 11th Annual International Conference on Childhood Obesity: Ketogenics: […]
Bringing the Science of Keto to Spain Ketogenics as it relates to childhood obesity as well as the benefits of implementing it into clinical practice. I wanted to share some […]
The Ketogenic Diet: Here’s what Moms Need to Know (as featured on I recently joined the team of experts at, a site offering “real mom support” and great resources! […]
Shay The Learner My take on combining the worlds of science and art – and finding the balance. I recently went to NASM’s Optima 2017 Conference where I got to […]
Finding Stillness in Running Water – Part 3 So the next morning, I go to the hotel fitness room. As I’m doing my morning workout, I notice a few things. […]
Finding Stillness in Running Water – Part 2 Overall, rather than spending the 3 nights and 4 days as planned camping at Grand Canyon, we drive in and I spend […]
Finding Stillness in Running Water – Part 1 Ever heard of the saying, “People plan and the Universe Laughs?” Well, I had plans to spend my birthday camping with my […]
At the risk of being cli-shay (get it)? I’m going to write a long overdue blog post and it just so happens to fall close to the start of a […]
Greetings! Shaythecoach here! Here, here. Here Here! Here’s a summary of my recent trip to Atlanta, Georgia for the International Conference on Childhood Obesity held at the beautiful Hilton Airport […]
Hi guys, it’s Shaythecoach here! UrbanMonk and Shaythecoach apologize about the “Know Your Values” Post. It was published prematurely without the citations, quotes, and credits fully complete. It also […]
It is with great honor to announce Shaythecoach will be presenting a workshop titled The Mind-Body Connection and its Impacts on Obesity at the International Conference on Childhood Obesity!!! Here is […]
Hi everyone here is day 11 of the “Shay Friendly Body Transformation Challenge” You can also follow on facebook: Shay Vasudeva is the owner and founder of URBANMONK, a […]
Hi everyone here is day 10 of the “Shay Friendly Body Transformation Challenge”
Hi everyone here is day 9 of the “Shay Friendly Body Transformation Challenge”
Hi guys, it’s Shaythecoach here. Here is the video for day 5 of this challenge. It’s about the importance of downtime and, “nothing.”
Day 4: Mindset/Consistency Hi guys, Shaythecoach here! I got excited and made 3 mini-videos for today. It was Sunday, so why not??
Hi guys, Shaythecoach here on Days 2 and 3 of this Shay-friendly body transformation challenge! These videos are being made daily so the back office is having to hustle!! I […]
Hi guys, Shaythecoach here on Day 1 of this Shay-friendly body transformation challenge! The following is the video:
Hi everyone, It’s been a while since I’ve done a blog post. I’m doing a 60 day challenge and I need your help to finish it!
Hi, it’s Shaythecoach wishing you a Happy Start of the Week! What’s this on the left? It’s a picture highlighting the Rhomboid Muscles.
Happy Weekend! Shaythecoach here again. My last post was more factual, on the benefits of foam rolling. So, this one is a personal and practical experience on flexibility…
Hi all! Hope you had a great weekend! Shaythecoach here, writing another blog post. This one covers a really neat way to stretch, releasing tight muscles! There is a SURPRIZE […]
Hi All and Happy Weekend! Shaythecoach here, So, I’ve been teaching classes, training clients, doing nutrition consults and every one of my clients or people I’ve come in contact with […]
Here’s blog post #4…But again, who’s counting? Who’s that hiding behind the phone? Believe it or not, I always debate whether I should post pictures of my results…and I always […]
Well, here’s blog post #3, but who’s counting. First, thanks to all of my friends, family, clients, team, and people who’ve been patiently encouraging me to start doing this! YAY […]
Welcome to Blog Post#2 and thank you for reading! There’s a holiday coming up soon and I was going to write a do’s and don’ts of Valentines Day to help […]
Good morning and Happy February! I am new to blogging, but not new to helping people reach their personal health goals. It’s now February (how did that happen so […]
Hello, my name is Shay and I help people become the best version of “SELF!” I do this by offering Personal Fitness Training, Nutrition, Karate, and Tai Chi packages. Welcome […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi […]