So, I did a thing! I became a Doctor of Acupuncture. It was hard won and hard earned. I met a lot of great people along the way and couldn’t […]
The Story Behind The Wig

So, I did a thing! I became a Doctor of Acupuncture. It was hard won and hard earned. I met a lot of great people along the way and couldn’t […]
As a kid, I was stopped many times over from many things. Sometimes for things that made sense to me and many times, not. Today, as an adult, similar things […]
It isn’t easy. I wrote a manuscript that talks a lot about resiliency and what to do to develop it. I would say we already innately have it. However, with […]
I’m busy. Sounds cocky huh?But who isn’t these days?Unless you have life on lock and are on a spacious schedule and if you do and you are, kudos to you.Let’s […]
I’d like to “come out” of my Buddhist closet. I’ve been shy about the whole thing because it was a personal decision and I’m finally ready to speak and share […]