As a kid, I was stopped many times over from many things.
Sometimes for things that made sense to me and many times, not.
Today, as an adult, similar things happen.
Sometimes it’s the fact that the timing isn’t right, resources need to line up or other logistics need to work out.
However, sometimes, I get in my own way.
The good news? There are tools to help work through it and move forward.
Sometimes I become keenly aware I’m doing it and sometimes my team or friends and family point it out. Then I get to make the change needed. For example, I’m editing my book and some days my efforts are more productive than others. My current fix for this is to message a colleague daily, what’s one thing I’m doing or have done to edit that day.
How about you? Is there anything you’d really like to do that’s just not getting done? If so, what’s stopping you?
How can you move on/forward with your goal? What’s stopping you?
What’s stopping you from tossing the shreddings or taking out the trash?
What’s stopping you from cleaning out storage?
— From refinancing.
— From becoming a doctor/becoming an acupuncturist
— From cooking
— From studying
— From trying
— From starting
— From streamlining
— From editing/publishing your book
— From financial freedom/success
Is it —

What is it??
Maybe I’m not stopped!
Maybe I’m moving forward slowly and sometimes so slowly I don’t see it.
Stopping and writing allows me to
See it
Feel it
Live it
Enjoy it
Be grateful for it.
Maybe it’s my perception that I’m stopped. I’m NOT.
In Health,
Shay Vasudeva, MA (Psychology), MS (Kinesiology), NFPT-CPT, NASM-CPT-CES, THSA-CNT, and Tai Chi & Black Belt Karate Instructor, is also a Member of The Author’s Guild and Ambassador to the Phoenix, AZ Chapter. She is the owner and founder of ShayTheCoach and ShayTheCoachWriting, companies that help people become the best version of SELF by simplifying heady topics through the written and spoken word. She is an author, educator and international speaker in the wellness industry.
Shay’s passions have always included the written word. Her forte’ includes an ability to interpret technical topics into more easily understandable terms for the general reader. Shaweta “Shay” Vasudeva’s writing experience includes: qualitative research, academic curriculum writing, and blogging. Her specialty is breaking down academic, technical, and ‘heady’ subject matters and expressing it to the public and her readers in layman’s terms. Shay believes in the value of educating and uses a very down-to earth, sometimes humorous approach, that’s very relatable. For more information, visit her writing page here.
This blog is intended for those who are interested in Nutrition, Fitness, Karate, Tai Chi, or simply becoming best version of SELF on a business/professional level. Thank you! We are not doctors/medical professionals and don’t diagnose or treat diseases. The contents of the blog are for educational purposes.
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