On the New, Fresh Year.

Fresh new year blog

Ok, here’s the deal, I’ve been talking to a lot of people who have been looking forward to 2021. Many have said they can’t wait until 2021 because it’s going to be different. It’ll be a fresh start and completely different from last year.

In genuine interest, I’ll ask them what will be so different besides the numbers…besides the dates?

They pause and stare at me blankly.

I don’t mean to pick on the people who are excited for a fresh, new year. Pandemic aside, it isn’t new to be excited for a fresh, new year! However, this time around, the enthusiasm around 2021 – a fresh, new year – seems a bit more.

Really though, I hate to say it . . . the difference between 2020 and 2021 is that the 0 turns to a 1. Of course, as a business person, there are end-of-year things needing to be done. However, the difference between December 31, 2020 and January 1, 2021 are the letters and dates.

I hate to sound redundant but it’s true! My point is, no one NEEDS to wait until January 1, 2021 or any year for that matter to make a change or make a goal and start to work towards it. No one NEEDS to get half way through a year and realize that the goal from January 1 has disappeared into the minutiae and challenges of life. We have the power to create goals, start towards reaching them, and making changes on any day of the year. We have the ability to evaluate goals and adjust them as needed at any time of the year.

New Year

Regardless of whether it’s January 1, February 1, September 21 . . . whatever, fresh new goals can be made. Adjustments can be made. Just go for it, regardless of the date.

You don’t have to wait until the first of the year to make a resolution or to try and change.

And besides, what’s the difference between Jan 1, 2021 and Dec 31, 2020?

I remember Y2k when the universal thought was the computer systems weren’t prepared to go from 1999 for 2000.

Yes, that was a thing.

But here’s the deal – for the last few months, I keep hearing people say they cant wait until the new year begins.

What will be different in the new year?

What supports will be in place to support the new resolution?

  • Accountability partners
  • CPT’s
  • Health coach
  • Medical team
  • New equipment
  • New resolve

And think about this: What if we all waited until a fresh, new year to get married, start a new job, buy a new home, conceive, give birth, move, go back to school?

It sounds ludicrous right (especially because sometimes we can’t control the date of milestones)? Milestones happen whether it’s a new year or not, so why can’t incremental changes that help us better ourselves happen as spontaneously or organically?

Here’s the deal: If you find yourself stuck a few weeks into the new year and the new changes and new hopes have fizzled out, revisit, reorganize and continue!

Restart —- Start now —- Pick a date and make THAT the change date.


You get the point, new years can bring new things, but new things don’t need to wait for new years!

In Health,

Shay Vasudeva, MA (Psychology), MS (Kinesiology), NFPT-CPT, NASM-CPT-CES, THSA-CNT, and Tai Chi & Black Belt Karate Instructor, is also a Member of The Author’s Guild and Ambassador to the Phoenix, AZ Chapter. She is the owner and founder of ShayTheCoach and ShayTheCoachWriting, companies that help people become the best version of SELF by simplifying heady topics through the written and spoken word. She is an author, educator and international speaker in the wellness industry.

Call 480-294-9952 or e-mail [email protected] to find out more or to book Shay for a writing project or to speak with your organization.

This blog is intended for those who are interested in Nutrition, Fitness, Karate, Tai Chi, or simply becoming best version of SELF on a business/professional level. Thank you!  We are not doctors/medical professionals and don’t diagnose or treat diseases. The contents of the blog are for educational purposes.

 Copyright © *2020* *ShayTheCoach.com*, All rights reserved.