Pivoting During Covid-19 Hi to all my STC folks, In the past couple months, many things have changed in many areas of life and business for many people. I’m not […]
Pivoting – My Take, My Journey

Pivoting During Covid-19 Hi to all my STC folks, In the past couple months, many things have changed in many areas of life and business for many people. I’m not […]
Posture and our Body Just a teaser on my upcoming blog about posture and the importance of movement to counteract our long sessions of sitting and driving! Meet Dr. Ben […]
Posture and our Body Join me and Dr. Ben Zorensky of Naturopathic Athlete as we explore the challenges that our posture creates for our bodies. What effect does sitting and […]
I Don’t Do Guilt Recently, my cat dislocated her knee cap.I’m not sure I even knew cats could do that!I have humor and I’m the first one to chuckle when […]
On Solitude Solitude can be confused as isolation. It is not. Solitude is alone time, simply put. If solitude is used to recharge, refresh, regroup, renew, reinvent, recover, relax, rejoice, […]