My Spain Staycation
ShayTheCoach here! Well, I am home from my adventurous trip to Spain. I gave two keynote talks at the 11th Annual International Conference on Childhood Obesity:
- Ketogenics: Beneficial Impacts on Childhood Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
- Ketogenics: Implementation in Clinical Practice and BioPsychoSocial Considerations
I got to meet with some doctors, clinicians, nutritionists, dietitians, educators, and other community leaders around the world to see what they are doing to impact childhood obesity in their respective countries/communities too. It was enlightening and inspiring.
As always, when I travel to conferences like these, I bring back nuggets of wisdom and techniques back with me to help you! So if we’re already working together, I’ll share what I learned the next time we meet and if you’re interested in working with me make sure you click here to book an appointment. I’d love to work with you.
Here’s why I described this trip as adventurous:
My ankle flared up in a really big way while I was out there. The conference was held in a town called Granollers (a 30-40 minute train ride north of Barcelona) and so I ended up enjoying the following tourist experiences:
- A visit to the hospital in Granollers
- A visit to the next town over to get crutches and proper footwear for my casted ankle
- A trip to a holistic healing center for a massage
- And a museum! The museum was about the only touristy thing I did.
People encouraged me to take a bus tour and my ankle wasn’t having it! What was I to do but listen to my ankle and rest?! Now I know as a fitness professional and karate person, I’ve been known to tough things out. However in this case, I needed to listen to my body to prevent risk from further injury. Luckily, I stayed in a gorgeous hotel with an amazing view of the mountains and enjoyed a peaceful stay. The food was phenomenal and so was the hospitality.
So even though I didn’t do all the standard touristy things, I enjoyed myself. I not only listened to my body, but I made a conscience decision to be positive about my trip and injury despite being in a ton of pain. I started to say to myself and others that, “This ankle injury gives me an excuse to plan a return trip. I would love to go back to Spain, uninjured!” I gathered different tourist brochures and took time to read them for when I do go back. I’m not saying I did this positive attitude thing perfectly, there were definitely times where I pouted AND shouted…even cried. Luckily the people there were very gracious, patient, and helpful.
So while I was sitting in my room, relaxing, and enjoying the view, I started writing a reflection about my trip. Here’s what emerged:
Mastering The Art of Sitting Still
I spoke in Spain
And flared up my ankle sprain
My ankle, it’s roaring
My spirit, I wish it was soaring
Because I’m in the mood for exploring
But I’ll be laying here in bed
Taking ibuprofen and using ice insteadWhoa my head
It’s going in many a different direction
Could be contemplation
Or is it Procrastination?
To my consternation
It is tons of lamentation
It spins in cycles
Until I think I’m psychoCould this be a chance
To have a romance
And do an emotional dance
with my creative side
And focus on my aspiration
And find inspiration
Without drip sweat exercise, full of perspirationBreathe inhale relax
Time for meditation
To give my mood some elevation
Is this what this trip was about..finding my flow,
And recovering my glow?Exactly where’s this poem going…its run away from me
Because when I write I am free
From a bit of insanity
It’s where obsenity and profanity blend together with absurdity
It helps me stay grounded in this realityTo bring me hours of relief
away from self limiting belief…
which can kill my joy
And oh boy,
Sends me on a spree
For which I pay a heavy fee
Of not believing in me
How can that be?So much swims in my mind
That I find
It’s hard to navigate
The nooks and cranniesNow I need a nanny
To clean my fanny!
Because it hurts to standy-
Up on two feet
So I lay here on my soft bed sheet
With all this pain
My brain
It sizzles and spins and spits
Until I dump what’s going on in itI’m lit!
I want to throw a fit
But what a hit
To write something like this as a result of itSometimes I feel like a maniac
When in fact I am a brainiac
So here it is,
there it is
Come back again, I’m sure there’s more
As this writing is pure,
And a wonderful cure!
As always, thank you for your support and for providing me with the opportunity to share my stories and play a small role in helping us all to be our best version of SELF!
In Health,
*I personally endorse the Perfect Keto product line because they taste great and complement my clients’ ketogenic lifestyles successfully!
ShayTheCoach personally uses and recommends the Perfect Keto product line!
This blog is intended for those who are interested in Nutrition, Fitness, Karate, Tai Chi, or simply becoming best version of SELF on a business/professional level. Thank you! We are not doctors/medical professionals and don’t diagnose or treat diseases. The contents of the blog are for educational purposes.
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