
Here’s a follow up blog from the one I wrote about my pivot to ShayTheCoach Writing. It’s about consistency!

After the pivot, I had much to do and recently got called to the carpet by some of my colleagues about my inconsistent writing! How ironic, huh.
They said that if this pivot is to be a worthy endeavor, I need to write more consistently. It’s no different than in any endeavor, whether it’s personal or professional, right?

So after hearing and receiving this consistency talk, I decided I needed to prioritize my writing and some of my other responsibilities needed to be re-ordered. The first thing I did was schedule writing time into my calendar on a regular basis. I also created a goal to write one blog per week. ONE. I spoke about this goal to another colleague. She said that’s a great start AND it doesn’t have to be huge and lengthy or even super-mega-ultra-perfect! It can be one to two paragraphs, making sure it’s structured, meaningful, and brings value to the lives of people who read it. Adding consistency will also help me stay connected to those interested in reading my writing and to those who ARE reading my writing!

So, this one is for current readers and future readers.

Is there something in your life that you would like to do more consistently? If so, what is it?

Could you find time for it on your calendar (even if it’s 15 minutes per day)?

Could you create a goal that would help you achieve consistency?

If so, let’s do it! Let me know and I’ll keep writing…one blog per week. Stay tuned and thanks for the read and follow!

Shay Vasudeva, MA (Psychology), MS (Kinesiology), NFPT-CPT, NASM-CPT-CES, THSA-CNT, and Tai Chi & Black Belt Karate Instructor, is also a Member of The Author’s Guild and Ambassador to the Phoenix, AZ Chapter. She is the owner and founder of ShayTheCoach and ShayTheCoachWriting, companies that help people become the best version of SELF by simplifying heady topics through the written and spoken word. She is an author, educator and international speaker in the wellness industry.

Call 480-294-9952 or e-mail [email protected] to find out more or to book Shay for a writing project or to speak with your organization.

This blog is intended for those who are interested in Nutrition, Fitness, Karate, Tai Chi, or simply becoming best version of SELF on a business/professional level. Thank you!  We are not doctors/medical professionals and don’t diagnose or treat diseases. The contents of the blog are for educational purposes.

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